One thing I've learned from close to 29 years of training myself and others is that the excuses will keep coming no matter what. The bottom line is if you want to loose weight you will plain and simple. A long time ago I stopped getting frustrated with my clients when they cheated on their diet. I came to realize that getting frustrated was only affecting me. I also came to a realization that no matter how good of a coach or trainer you are it's ultimately up to the client to decide if he or she really wants to loose weight or not.
Some clients think that I live in a house where everyone shares my dietary habits. This is not true, my house is a virtual carb fest. My wife, my kids, my mother in law have horrible eating habits. My wife and kids are fortunate that they are not overweight but regardless of that their eating habits are not healthy. . I have tried and tried to change them but no dice. I usually get the " low carb diets are hard for women to do". Really?, wow I guess no one has told that to some of the girls in the gym who follow the diet to the t and have lost tons of body fat and are walking around with six packs!
If you came to my house and took a look at my pantry you would be surprised. Since you can't come to my house, I took a picture of my pantry. As you can see there are tons of bad carbs in my house. I'm surrounded by all this stuff but I choose not to eat them. I say choose because I can if I want to but I don't because I choose not to. Every time we go out to dinner it always ends the same way with some kind of dessert. Now I have never been a dessert person bread is my kryptonite.
My girl chow down on brownies with vanilla ice cream, the chocolate thunder from down under from Outback Steak House, Argentinian crepes with dulce de leche and strawberry ice cream, am I making you hungry? All this carb feasting goes on right in front of me with no regards to my eating habits. You see, if you try to involve your family in a dietary life style change and they follow you that's great! More times than not they won't which leads into another excuse "everyone around me is carbing up and no one helps me so it's hard to stay on my diet".
The hard facts are that your at it alone Sparky and you and only you are responsible for what you put in your mouth. One of my recent favorite excuses is " I need to find someone that's into fitness". Just because someone workouts and "looks" fit it doesn't mean that they don't carb up. I know a lot of "fit" looking people that eat tons of refined sugar, processed wheat products, and tons of other crap that would have the average person in the obese category.
Some of these "fit" people are blessed (or cursed depending on how you see it)with a very fast metabolism. Having a fast metabolism is great but does not necessarily mean that he or she is healthy on the inside. Take the case of a good friend of mine whom shall remain nameless for privacy reasons. Let's call him Dave, Dave is 6'3" tall and very skinny about 160 pounds. Most people would consider Dave to be healthy and fit. On the contrary Dave's cholesterol level is over 300 and that's super dangerous.
Dave is not very strong and his cardiovascular/respiratory fitness is horrible. Are you getting the picture yet? There an old saying "You are what you eat" and there is nothing more truthful than that. The key to your success lies in your hand and only yours. If you find a friend or a spouse that jumps in the bandwagon with you great! But don't count on outside support because you will be sadly disappointed and little bit chunkier.
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