From time to time a member of Garage Gym will ask me why don't I play music in the gym. The simple answer is that if I played music in the gym it would probably be the type of music I like and most likely given the average age of my members they would not like it. The truth of the matter is that I don't play music in the gym because I want my members to concentrate on the task at hand. In other words, the only thing I want you to concentrate on is the workout and nothing else.
People play music while they workout in an effort to distract themselves from "working out". This has always puzzled me, if you come to the gym your there for a reason and that is to workout. The fitness industry has created a carnival/night club atmosphere in their facilities in order for their clients to forget what they are really there for, to train hard and sweat.
Besides blasting the latest hip hop tunes through the speakers while hoards of human hamsters walk to nowhere on the treadmills they also turn the air conditioning way down keeping the temperature extremely cold. If you ask a staff member to lower the temperature they most likely will tell they can't (which is probably true)and besides the colder temperatures help prevent bugs and bacteria from being transmitted to the gym patrons.
Fine, that may be true but if you keep your gym well ventilated and you clean the facility on a daily basis with anti bacterial solutions you can do the same thing.
Keeping a gym cold can lead to injuries due to the fact that most gym patrons go at it alone and rarely do they warm-up before beginning to exercise. Warming up is extremely important especially in a cold environment. Even though we don't use air conditioning at our gym we always warm-up before training and on those rare south Florida cold spells the warm-ups last a bit longer than usual.
The use of mirrors in gyms came into play with the body building craze. To me mirrors serve as a distraction. Some trainers claim that mirrors are important so you can check your form. In our gym our trainers make sure that our clients form is correct no need for mirrors here. Absent from our gym is the ever present clock. Everyday everyone of us is managed by that circular object, everything has to be done by a certain time, you have to be at a certain place at a certain time.
I think that clocks add stress to our lives and since I want my clients to concentrate on one thing only while their in the gym I purposely didn't place a clock in the gym. Garage Gym is about results and we deliver. The majority of our clients experience great results and those that embrace our dietary recommendations tend to be the one's with the greatest performances and results.